May 12, 2023Liked by Ann Kroeker

“Tracing our writing origins back to the first spark takes time. We let our minds travel back on ribbon-thin strips of memory to recall those events, those moments, those scenes that transformed us, the conflict that changed us.”

I love the emphasis on process and taking time in your piece. I sometimes feel like I write so slowly, but it takes time to process when you are writing about your own stories, especially the harder ones.

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I loved this, Ann - in your post you have explored things I hadn't ever thought to recognise or think about. Thank you so very much! 😊

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I really appreciate the way you explored different elements that go into crafting a good story. I especially like the idea of taking your time to remember the story, I have done this in the past and it has really helped me capture what I’m trying to say.

Thank you

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I love the many ways you always encourage me to be a more thoughtful writer. Even just including those quotes with different definitions of story made me slow down and consider. These tips on storytelling--particularly transformation--are not things I usually consciously consider when I write, but I can see that if I did, I would tell better stories. Thanks for that and for all the ways you share your gifts of coaching. 💜

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"Dicks argues that if you tell a story that doesn’t “reflect change over time,” you’re not telling a story—you’re telling an anecdote." The idea that a story requires an internal change in the main character to be a story makes me think. I thought good stories included character development, but saw the character's progress as supporting the story instead of the actual story. I think I'll keep this in mind as I write scenes from my life. Thanks for the tip. Oh, and, that was awful that people compared you to your brother. I'm glad you didn't let that deter you from writing!

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May 8, 2023Liked by Ann Kroeker

User Stories are simpler to form than the stories this audience tells ... but challenging to deliver (to "Done.") This post validated my decision to weave my own experiences/stories into the e-Book I'm developing this month. I'm keeping this post/e-mail in my Daily folder to keep mining it for inspiration and guidance.

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“I need to trace the ribbons back in time through journaling” - I LOVE that image of memory ribbons, Ann!

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